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Sandhurst School



The Sandhurst School Science Department is dedicated to fostering a generation of enthusiastic, confident, and critically-thinking scientists who are equipped to tackle the challenges of the future. We believe that science is for everyone, and we strive to provide all students with the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the world around them through engaging and stimulating learning experiences.

Further information:

Our curriculum:

Our ambitious curriculum is designed to ignite a passion for science and encourage lifelong curiosity about the natural world.  We aim to equip students with a strong foundation in scientific knowledge and skills across biology, chemistry, and physics. Students will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical abilities through inquiry-based learning and practical investigations.  Effective communication skills will be fostered through scientific writing, presentations, and discussion. Collaboration and teamwork within the scientific community will be promoted and an appreciation for the ethical and societal implications of science and its role in shaping the future cultivated.

Implementation: Teaching and planning:

We differentiate through tailored instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners, including those with SEN/D, EAL, and other identified groups.  Literacy and oracy are integrated into our curriculum, fostering effective communication skills essential for scientific success.  

Students are provided with opportunities to explore and discuss career paths as part of lessons, with teachers employing their own previous career experiences to enrich the learning experience. We expose students to diverse scientific contributions from various cultures and backgrounds, growing a broader understanding of the world and challenging stereotypes in science. We integrate the school's core values of respect, ambition, resilience, and pride into our lessons, fostering responsible and well-rounded individuals.


Progress is monitored using a variety of assessment strategies allowing areas of improvement to be identified, and targeted feedback given.


By implementing these strategies, the Sandhurst School Science Department aims to empower our students to become confident and responsible citizens who are equipped to contribute positively to the world through their scientific knowledge and understanding.

Curriculum time allocation:

KS3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) - 6 hours per fortnight

KS4 (Years 10 and 11) - 10 hours per fortnight / 15 hours for Triple Science


Department Contact

Mr D Barrett