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Sandhurst School


Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents

Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Recovery Plan


Our students follow the National Curriculum and a broad range of subjects over a two-week timetable consisting of a total of 50 one hour lessons. This allows students to demonstrate their individual talents, whilst providing a sound basis for further study and for success in later life.  Morning registration is at 8:30am with pm registration taking place during the start of the last lesson of the day.  The end of the day is at 3pm.

Please contact Reception to be referred to the correct member of staff regarding your query about the curriculum. 


The school has a homework policy in place for KS3 and KS4. The departments in school have developed their own bespoke policies that give guidance on the type and frequency of the homework that will be set.

The homework that is set by each department will vary depending on the key stage and the nature of the subject. However, most departments will set homework tasks on a regular basis. These tasks will largely be short and focused on skills and knowledge reinforcement following a lesson.

Adaptive teaching

The school seeks to ensure that its curriculum is delivered via well-planned and engaging lessons which challenge all students whatever their ability or starting point. The school is flexible in its approach to grouping students by aptitude, believing one size does not fit all. Maths, Science and English all operate some form of “setting” of students in order to ensure that individual progress is maximised and individual needs met. A student’s “group” is never static and their progress will be reviewed every half term and if necessary, movement to a more appropriate group will take place.

If any student is falling behind or requires more specialist provision we will put in place interventions which may be classroom-based or exist at other times in the school day/after school. Our SEND policy sets out our approach to meeting more complex needs including EAL specialist support for students who may be at an early stage of English Language learning. You can access all of our SEND information here.

The school benefits from an alternative provision base – Student Learning Centre (SLC)- whereby students whom we believe may from time to time benefit from a more personalised bespoke timetable will be accommodated. These timetables will involve GCSEs in core subjects with 1-1 support and also incorporate other academic courses as appropriate. Some students take up part time courses on offer in conjunction with other lead providers.

Sandhurst School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community. To see how our curriculum has been developed to support this, please see our Equality Policy.

Potential Higher Achievers

The School’s outstanding facilities, setting structure and teacher commitment ensure that able students are fully challenged and can enjoy the stimulation of working together. For our very high ability students, there is a well-established programme of enrichment and extension activities. This includes a visit to Oxford University, special projects and success in local and national competitions.

Religious Education – Assemblies and Acts of Worship

Religious Education is taught in accordance with Bracknell Forrest’s Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.

Assemblies are organised in House groups and in Year Groups. They represent an important part of school life when staff and students meet together. The emphasis is on offering all students an opportunity to reflect on the fundamental moral and spiritual values which underpin the School’s ethos and the beliefs and practices of people living in this country.

Parents who wish to withdraw their child from Religious Education and Assemblies should send a written request to the Head teacher

Sex Education

Sex education is provided primarily through PSHCE, Science, PE and Religious Education. The development of responsible attitudes and the importance of informed decision-making within a moral framework are an integral part of the School’s curriculum and ethos.

Whilst parents/carers have the right to withdraw students from Sex Education (except that required as part of National Curriculum Science), we encourage all students to follow this important part of the School’s curriculum. Details of our programme can be obtained from the School.

Students with Special Educational Needs

All students are screened on entering the school and this helps to identify any special educational needs. Through a combination of differentiated teaching, in-class support and carefully planned small group withdrawal lessons, we aim to ensure that each student makes maximum progress. Further details can be obtained from the School.