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Sandhurst School

Science Homework Policy

Homework is set on Seneca once a week. Completed homework will be at least an average of 80% or above on the assignment or the time below spent attempting and re-attempting the homework.

Homework set:

Designated staff are going to set centrally the homework for all years once a half term.

7 30 1 Science
8 30 1 Science
9 60 1 Biology 1 Chemistry / Physics
10 60 1 Biology 1 Chemistry 1 Physics
11 60 1 Biology 1 Chemistry 1 Physics

How homework is set:

Classroom teachers will set up a message on Google Classroom informing them that they need to log on and complete the Seneca assignment for that week, the expectations of what is completed homework 80% correct or appropriate time as above, and due on the set day below.  Example message 

'Log on to Seneca and complete this week’s assignment. For the homework to be completed the average score should be 80% or more OR until you have attempted and re-attempted for a minimum of 30 minutes'

Days of homework checking and awarding positives and sanctions:

  • Y11-Y7 homework will be set and due 2 pm every Wednesday. Positive points and lunchtime detentions will be set by Friday 8 am so tutors can inform the students during tutor time. 

    Incomplete homework will result in a lunch detention at the start of lunch. (Students will always be let go with plenty of time for lunch)
  • Teachers will review and provide feedback on homework assignments to support students' learning progress.
  • Students are encouraged to reflect on the feedback provided and make necessary improvements in their future work.
  • Homework completion and quality will be reflected termly on the student’s report.

Detention schedule:

Detentions Friday Lunch
Year 7 Room B4
Year 8 Room B4
Year 9 Room B5
Year 10 Room B6
Year 11 Room B7