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Sandhurst School

Frequently Asked Questions

General School

What are the timings for the school day?

The school gates open at 8am

Registration starts promptly at 8.30am. All students need to be in their tutor room by this time.

Break is at 11am-11.20am and lunch is 1.20pm-2pm

The school day ends at 3pm, after school clubs continue to around 4pm.

For more information on the school day please visit this page.

Where can I find term dates?

For all information on term dates, bank holidays, INSET days and school holidays please visit this page.

What do I do if my child is ill or cannot attend school?

If your child is unwell or unable to attend school it is important that you let us know as soon as possible. You can call the school reception on 01344 775678 and select option 1. You can leave a message letting us know your child's name, tutor group and reason for absence. You can also report your child's absence via Study Bugs.

If you child will be off school for a more than 5 days with an illness you may be asked to provide a doctors note.

We would kindly ask that parents make all appointments for outside of the school day if possible to avoid disruption to students learning.

Who should I contact if I have a concern / query?

If you have a general query or concern you can contact your child's teacher in the first instance.

You are also welcome to contact their Head of Year or Engagement Mentor.

If you have a specific question regarding a subject you can find the head of department email addresses on the subject information pages, under the curriculum tab.

Lost property

It is really important that all items your child brings into school are named so we can easily return them if they are misplaced.

If your child has lost something the first thing they should do is retrace their steps. If they cannot find it they can come to Reception to ask if it has been handed in. There is a small lost property in PE for anything left behind in the changing rooms so they can check there too if they had a lesson in there on the same day.

Updating parent or student information

It is really important the the school is kept up to date with all information regarding you and your child.

We need to know such things as:

  • You have moved address
  • A parent has changed their contact number
  • Your child has a medical condition

To do this you need to collect a green form from Reception and return it with the updated information and supporting documentation if needed

How do I top up money on to my child's lunch account?

Our canteen operates on a fingerprint system.

You can top up your child's account on Scopay online, using the scopay app or you child can top up in the canteen with either cash or card. 

If there is not enough money on your child's account when they go to buy lunch they will still be able to purchase the food but it will go into debit. You child can go a maximum of £5 into debit. When you top up their accounts again the debt will be paid first. If you use the scopay app you can set up an alert so you know when your child's account is running low.

We would recommend that you check your child's account regularly.

How do I pay for a school trip/books etc?

If you need to pay for a school trip or books etc you can pay for this in Scopay. They will appear in your account as you need to pay for them,

When the finance team send the link code there are instructions on how to set it up.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an online platform used in schools to enable teachers to work and communicate with all students within a class or subject. Google Classroom is a centralised place for student work, homework and sharing of resources.

When students start in Year 7 they will set up their school Google account and be given their school email address. If there are any problems with their email or password they need to talk to IT in PC4.

Student email addresses typically follow the format:

first initial + last name@sandhurstschool.org.uk

If there is another student with the same first initial and last name in the school then the email may have the year of entry added to the address. for example:

23 + first initial + last name@sandhurstschool.org.uk


SPARX Reader is a fun and supportive online platform that personalises reading experiences for your child. It does this by:

  • Matching them with engaging ebooks at their reading level.
  • Offering tools to adjust text size, background colors, and even look up unfamiliar words – all on screen!
  • Rewarding them for focused reading, not just speed.

This helps your child build confidence, improve comprehension, and develop a love for reading.

SPARX Maths is another fantastic tool that personalizes math learning for your child. It uses:

  • Interactive exercises that adapt to their understanding.
  • Clear explanations to break down even tricky concepts.
  • Fun rewards to keep them motivated.

The best part? SPARX Maths can help your child, regardless of their current skill level. It helps them grasp concepts, build a strong foundation, and achieve their full potential.

Here's the exciting news! Both SPARX Reader and SPARX Maths form a key part of your child's weekly homework in both English and Maths. This means they'll be getting regular practice on the platform, reinforcing what they learn in class and building strong reading and math skills.

Both SPARX Reader and SPARX Maths can be a great way to support your child's learning journey, both at home and in school. Talk to their teacher to find out more about how SPARX can benefit your child!

How to contact different members of staff

You can find the Senior Leadership Team (headteacher, deputy headteachers and assistant headteachers) email addresses on the Members of Staff page

The Engagement Mentors emails can be found on the Members of Staff page

Head of department emails are on the individual subject pages

To contact the attendance officer please email Ms C Milam at attendance@sandhurstschool.org.uk

To contact the safeguarding team please email Ms S Hunt at safeguarding@sandhurstschool.org.uk

To contact the SENDCO please email Ms C Purkiss at senco@sandhusrtschool.org.uk

To contact the PA to the Head please email Miss C Read at cread@sandhurstschool.org.uk

To contact the Chair of Local Governing Body please email Dr Rachel Adamson at radamson@sandhurstschool.org.uk

To contact the clerk to Local Governing Body please email clerk@sandhurstschool.org.uk

To contact the Corvus Learning Trust Chair of Trustees please email chair@corvuslearningtrust.co.uk

How to rent a school locker

We have a number of lockers in the canteen that students can hire, on a first come first served basis.

The cost to hire a locker from Year 7 to Year 11 is £20. This includes a £5 deposit which is refunded on return of they key at the end of Year 11, or earlier should the locker no longer be required.

The Year 7 students are given the opportunity to rent a locker when they start at Sandhurst School, you can request a locker by completing a form and returning it to the Finance Office.

Payments for the lockers can be made online via Scopay, by cash or cheque (made payable to 'Sandhurst School Private Account'). Cash or cheques should be placed in a sealed envelope and clearly marked 'LOCKER MONEY' plus you child's name and year group on the front.

If a replacement locker key is required, this can be provided at a cost of £8.

What to do if my child feels unwell while in school?

If your child is unwell during the school day they need to go to talk to the staff on Reception. They will assess what to do next and call home if they feel that your child needs to be collected.

Students should not call home and arrange to be collected without first talking to Reception.

My child would like to do the Duke of Edinburgh Award

Students can sign up for the Bronze DofE when they are in Year 9 and the Silver in YEar 10. They are launched at the end of September / early October. 

You can find more information on the Beyond the Classroom page.

How do I book a tour of the school?

If you have a child in Year 6 would like to book a tour of the school please visit our Facebook page for more information on how to book.

If you are looking at transferring your child to Sandhurst School mid-year please contact Miss C Read to arrange a visit at cread@sandhurstschool.org.uk

What does the photo policy cover?

We will ask for parental permission to take and use photographs of your child during their time here at Sandhurst School. This will potentially include:

  • on display boards within the school
  • in school/trust publications (eg newsletters, learning journeys)
  • in school/trust marketing materials (eg school prospectus)
  • on the school website 
  • on the school's social media (eg. Facebook/Instagram)
  • to be photographed during events where the local newspapers have been invited
  • permissions for individual photographs and class photographs by a professional photographer
  • understanding that proofs of class photographs will be sent to all parents of the children within the class

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the school reception.



SEND Provision

What kinds of SEND do students have in your school?

Students at Sandhurst School have a range of difficulties including communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties and sensory or physical difficulties.

Children are identified as having SEND when they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children the same age or have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of education facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the Local Authority (SEND Regulations 2014).

How do you know if a student needs extra help?

When your child first joins Sandhurst School, we use information from a range of sources to help identify SEND and other needs. These include information from parents/carers; primary school teachers; end of key stage 2 levels; baseline testing;  literacy and numeracy tests; application form information; subject teachers; specialist colleagues and external agencies.

Our class teachers, Heads of Department and Heads of House closely monitor the progress and attainment of all students, including those who have or may have SEND. The continuous monitoring of students during their time at Sandhurst School will further identify students with a special educational need. This identification may come from tutors, subject teachers, support colleagues, Heads of House, outside agencies, parents/carers or the students themselves. If your child needs to be assessed we would use a range of assessments depending on the area of need. If it is thought a family needs support, we have good working relationships with outside agencies and a referral can be made to them.

We follow a staged and graduated approach to identifying and assessing needs. The triggers for intervention could be the teacher’s, support colleague’s or others’ concern, underpinned by evidence, about a student who, despite receiving differentiated learning opportunities, does not make expected progress.

All students with SEND are on the SEND register which is accessible to all staff. Staff use this information to inform their lesson planning, teaching and student learning activities. Targeted interventions are planned and delivered where appropriate. This may include small group or individual work across a broad range of activities.

How will I know that my child is making progress?

All students, including those with SEND, are assessed on a regular basis, in accordance with the school’s Assessment Policy. Teachers formally assess and review progress and attainment 4 times a year which is communicated to parents/carers by a report that is sent home. Additionally, parents evenings are held once a year when there is an opportunity to discuss progress, attainment and next steps. All students with an Education, Health & Care Plan have an Annual Review. SEND students who are on the SEND register will also have a termly review.

The school has a quality assurance process that assesses the effectiveness of teaching and learning for all students, including those with SEND and the outcomes of these evaluations are used to create and implement development plans for all aspects of school life. These are regularly reviewed through regular evaluation. Additionally, progress and attainment data for students is analysed for effectiveness.

How do you check and review the progress of my child and how will I be involved?

The school will send home 3 reports each year which will show your child’s current levels as well as report on their effort, behaviour and homework. Heads of Department and Heads of House will monitor and review your child’s levels and pick up on any subjects where your child is not making the right amount of progress. We will then put an intervention in place. At the next reporting time, we will check whether the right progress has been made.

We welcome the involvement of parents/carers and want to keep you up-to-date and involved with your child’s progress. We do this through parents' evenings, notes in work journals, telephone calls, appointments made with individual teachers, and Annual Reviews/termly reviews (for those on the SEND register).

The school provides information for parents through newsletters, information on the website and SDC, information evenings, parents evenings and letters home.

How do teachers help students with SEND?

Our teachers have high expectations of all students, including those with SEND. All teachers will be told about your child’s individual needs and will adapt their lessons to meet these requirements. Teachers have experience and/or are trained in doing this. This may involve using different strategies, more practical/adaptation of resources and activities. This means your child can access the lessons fully.

Within school there are a variety of staff roles to help us fully support your child. Where it is felt it is the right thing to do, a student may be offered additional help and support, in which case you would be informed. There are a range of interventions and additional subject support which are available and should your child need this, it would be discussed with you.

Throughout their time with us, if we think it is needed, we will assess our students and apply for exam Access Arrangements according to the Joint Council for Qualifications exam regulations.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

We aim for all students to follow the same curriculum offer, however, a small number of learners have a more personalised curriculum to match their individual needs, interests and abilities. This may include option choices, additional literacy and numeracy, nurture groups, intervention groups and the number of qualifications studied.

How accessible is the school environment?

Our school is a safe and accessible building and we do our best to make it welcoming to the whole community. All safeguarding procedures and risk assessments are in place and adhered to by all staff. We have a range of different facilities to help SEND students throughout our school including a lift; disabled toilets; ramps; wide corridors and equipment to help with reading and writing.

An Accessibility Plan is in place and available from our school website.

Is there additional support available to help students with SEND with their learning?

We have a wide range of staff available to support students and address additional needs they may have, including students with SEND. This includes nurture group teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral support staff and the SENCO.

How are the school's resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?

Resources are allocated based on evidence of need and effectiveness. Students with an EHCP have resources allocated as outlined in their statement or plan. Teaching assistants are allocated, where resources allow, to support students in lessons. Staff liaise closely with them to ensure maximum effectiveness. They have a huge range of skills to offer in supporting students directly and indirectly, assisting staff and helping parents/carers.

How is the decision made about how much/what support my child will receive?

Students with EHCPs will have outcomes and strategies outlined on their plans and targets set by the SENCO. Annual reviews involving the student, parents/carers, subject staff and other professionals evaluate those targets and strategies. The decision is based on evidence of need and impact.

What social, before and after school, and other activities are available for students with SEND?

A large range of academic and hobby/interest extra-curricular clubs and enrichment opportunities are available at Sandhurst School. They are open to all students, including students with SEND.

Additionally, we run a range of activities to support SEND students including Breakfast Club, Homework Club, Lunch and Break Time Social Club in the Learning Hub, the Social Skills Group etc. We also run revision sessions for older students as and when required.

How can my child and I find out about these activities?

The extra-curricular timetable is displayed in tutor rooms and is regularly advertised through assemblies and in the newsletter.  All new students attend a “Club Fair” when they first join in September.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

All students in the school are encouraged to take part in extra activities at break time, lunchtime and after school. Day and residential trips are open to all students and your child’s specific needs can be discussed if they wish to join such a trip.

What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

At Sandhurst School, we pride ourselves on providing a high level of student support and guidance. One way we support our students is by assigning them to a form tutor who will (in most cases) remain with them as they progress up the school. This provides continuity and builds a strong relationship between tutor and students.

There are additional members of staff who can provide pastoral support, these include:

the Heads of House, the Pastoral Manager, the SENCO, teaching assistants and the Child Protection Officer. We also have excellent relationships with a number of external agencies who are also utilised to provide support to students where required.

Who should I contact if I want to find out more about how Sandhurst School supports students with SEND?

Please contact Mrs C Purkiss the SENDCo using the following details:

Email: SENCO@sandhurstschool.org.uk

Telephone: 01344 775678

What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?

Please contact Mrs C Purkiss the SENDCo using the following details:

Email: SENCO@sandhurstschool.org.uk

Telephone: 01344 775678

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?

We have a Special Needs department which is made up of the SENCO, four senior teaching assistants and a number of other teaching assistants. Within this team, we have staff who have a range of experience and training covering various SEN needs including behaviour support, supporting students with ASD, and ADHD, as well as weak literacy and numeracy skills

Training is provided to all staff, including teachers and teaching assistants, as the need arises and there is ongoing training for all staff as well as opportunities to further develop skills. Staff who are new to the school follow an induction programme which includes training and information on SEN.

As a school, we can call on support from specialist organisations from within the Local Authority as well as Health and Social Care Services.

What happens if my child needs specialist equipment or other facilities?

As a school, we can access a range of specialist services outside the school. These services are contacted when necessary and appropriate, according to your child’s needs. If you believe your child needs specialist equipment or other facilities please contact SENCO, Mrs C Purkiss or discuss the issue at the next review/parents evening.

How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child's education? How will you help me to support my child's learning?

We need you to support us and your child by encouraging them to fully engage with their learning and any interventions offered by:

  • Helping them to be organised for their day (including bringing the right equipment and books)
  • Supporting full attendance and good punctuality
  • Completion of homework
  • Regularly checking and signing the work journal
  • Attending parents evenings
  • Attending any meetings specifically arranged for your child

We will support you by having regular communication about your child’s progress and attitude to learning. We will ensure all teachers are fully aware of your child’s special educational needs and the strategies they should use to support them by providing an individual SEN Profile for your child. Parents will receive a copy of this.

How will my child be involved in his/her own learning and decisions made about his/her education?

Students are encouraged to take part in student voice activities, regularly evaluate their work in lessons, attend review meetings, contribute to target setting and reviewing and reflect on their learning and achievements prior to reviews. All students will have regular discussions with their form tutor and subject teachers about their attainment, progress and next steps for improvement.

Who can I contact for further information or if I have a complaint?

In the first instance contact the subject teacher or your child’s tutor who may refer your concerns to a more senior member of staff if needed.  Alternatively please contact the SENCO Mrs C Purkiss at SENCO@sandhurstschool.org.uk or the Assistant Headteacher Mr A Dexter at adexter@sandhurstschool.org.uk

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

As a school, we can access a range of services including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Camhs), Children’s Social Care, School Nurse Services, Educational Psychology Service, Adviza, Speech and Language Service, the Autistic Spectrum Social and Communication Service, Education Entitlement and Occupational Therapy Service.

These services are contacted when necessary and appropriate, according to your child’s needs. The school works closely with our local authority and uses the CAF process when appropriate to do so.

If you believe your child needs support from a specialist please contact Mrs C Purkiss at SENCO@sandhurstschool.org.uk or discuss this at the next review/parents' evening.

Who should I contact to find out about support for parents and families of children with SEND?

The Bracknell Forest Information Advice and Support Service :

Tel: 01344 354011

Email: IASS@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

Bracknell Forest Special Educational Needs Department:

Tel: 01344 352000

Visit their website here

How will the school prepare and support my child when joining your school or transferring to a new school or post-16 provision?

We liaise closely with primary schools and provide additional transition support both before your child starts and afterwards, if it is needed. We also host a Summer School for one week for Year 6 students.

All children receive advice on careers. If additional support is needed this will be put in place. We work closely with Adviza to ensure relevant paperwork is completed for students with EHCP’s.

Where can I find out about other services that might be available for our family and my child?

Access the Bracknell Forest local Offer here

The information required to be included in this SEND Information Report is stated in The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 SCHEDULE 1: Information to be included in the SEN information report. This can be found by clicking here.