Maths Homework Policy
All Year 7 - 10 homework will be set on Sparx Maths
Years 7-10 will complete a piece a week. Homework for Year 11s will be replaced with practice papers.
In September each teacher will deliver a lesson on the expectations of homework.
Every class will be set homework once per week, the homework will be set and collected on the same day every week.
If a student is absent on the day the work is set the homework is still expected to be completed as it will be the same day every week.
Expectations for homework:
1. Students must attempt all questions given. For example:
A. All questions are attempted, however not all questions were answered correctly; (homework is marked as incomplete on Sparx), however, teachers will treat this as a complete task, and students will receive a positive point on class charts.
B. All questions are attempted and the student has scored 100% overall, homework is marked as complete on Sparx. Students will receive two Sparx maths homework points on Class Charts.
2. Teachers take into consideration the amount of effort students put into completing homework tasks.
We will consider whether or not you have spent a reasonable amount of time on the task, have you watched the video to get help or if you have attempted the question several times and you are asked to seek help.
3. Support with homework completion
Any students needing additional support to complete homework tasks will be added to attend either homework club in PC4 or attend maths drop-in sessions on Wednesdays in A14. The maths drop-in sessions are run by staff and our subject captains. Students will have the opportunity to get help to complete tasks.
Students are expected to get a minimum of 80% correct and/or spend an hour on their homework.
If a student has not completed their homework they will be set a detention where they will complete the missing homework.