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Sandhurst School

Drama Homework Policy


Homework summary:

  • In light of our reasonably limited contact time with students at KS3 and the practical nature of our work, homework will only be used occasionally to support the content of the lesson. 
  • When homework is set it may include individual tasks like learning lines for a performance or finding out some key facts, but may also involve a more practical task like arranging a rehearsal in a group for a final performance. 
  • There is no generic homework timetable or expectation for key stage 3 and it is down to a teacher’s discretion as to when to set a homework task.
  • When used, homework should have a direct impact on the lesson content, and teachers will always make the expectations of the homework clear to students.


  • Homework will be set on an occasional basis.


Homework summary:

  • It is an expectation that students studying both Music and Drama spend a significant amount of time practising their performance skills in their own time.
  • For Drama, this would include time spent learning lines individually and attending group rehearsals for the various performance projects undertaken. For Music, this would also include private practice of performance skills on the nominated instrument and rehearsals for ensemble performances.
  • There is also an expectation that students will spend time at home preparing for the written aspects of both courses. Tasks might include completing past papers, research tasks and specific exam focussed revision. Drama students will need to spend significant amounts of their own time working on their Devising Logs and Music students will need to ensure that their Composing Log book is up to date.
  • All homework set will be directly related to the exam board syllabus.


  • Initially, during Year 10, we will set up to an hour of homework a week, as appropriate. This will increase during more ‘crucial’ times. For example, in the lead up to a performance, where students will be required to spend more time rehearsing prior to a performance exam or in preparation for written/listening examinations.