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Sandhurst School

Get Involved

Local Employers

We are keen to work closely with local businesses and employers to help us educate our students about local and national opportunities as well as exposing them to numerous different career paths, many of which they may never have considered or even heard of.

We have a range of opportunities that you can get involved with, from assemblies to running workshops or even offering students a placement for work experience. 

If you are interested in working with us please contact our Careers Coordinator in the first instance choekstra@sandhurstschool.org.uk

Parent Volunteers

We believe that parents can play a large part in our student careers programme and are always looking for volunteers. We have a range of activities that you can support us with, including:

  • Careers talks
  • Workshops
  • Interview skills day
  • Social activities
  • Assemblies
  • Work experience 
  • Work shadowing
  • Skills day
  • Careers fair

If you would like to sign up as a parent careers volunteer please complete the following form:
Parent Volunteers Sign Up